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2024 - 2025 GWUL Advisory Board application process

Thursday Network members, this is your opportunity to step into leadership and make a lasting impact! The Greater Washington Urban League (GWUL) is establishing five (5) exclusive positions on its Advisory Board for TN members—creating a formal pipeline for leadership development, advocacy, and engagement.

Learn more about this exciting initiative, how you can get involved, and how your ideas can help shape the future of GWUL.

Application Form

What is the GWUL Advisory Board?

Lead by the GWUL Board of Directors, the Advisory Board:

  • Offers expertise and insights on specific aspects of the organization's operations, strategy, and growth;

  • Provides guidance on important issues, challenges, and opportunities;

  • Uses their networks to help establish new partnerships and opportunities for growth;

  • Acts as ambassadors for the organization, promoting its mission and values; and

  • Ensures that the organization operates ethically and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations

Why are Thursday Network members being invited to join the GWUL Advisory Board?

GWUL wants to forge a more formal and permanent relationship between our two organizations by establishing five (5) new positions exclusively for TN members. The goal is to establish a formal pipeline of leadership development and create new ideas around advocacy and engagement that will advance the mission of GWUL.

How many TN positions are there on the Advisory Board?

Up to five (5) TN members in good standing may sit on the advisory board; one member of the ELT who is not the President and four non-ELT members.

What are the four (4) committees that TN members can serve on?*

  • Governance 

  • Finance

  • Development

  • Advocacy

*More detailed descriptions can be found in the FAQ, or listened to in the Zoom recording.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a Thursday Network Advisory Board member?

  • Bring your personal & professional perspective and experience to the table

  • Advocate for the needs of the Thursday Network Membership

  • Attend six (6) bi-monthly meetings [virtual] per calendar year

  • Serve on one (1) advisory board sub-committee of GWUL

  • Adhere to the bylaws of GWUL and bylaws of TN

  • Provide briefings to the TN board on a quarterly basis

  • Advisory board members are non-voting and are not under a financial commitment

If I am interested, how can I apply?

Applications will be made available to all members in good standing on March 12, 2025. The application window closes on March 30th at 11:59pm. Interviews for submitted applications of members in good standing will take place on April 6th-10th. 

What is the application process?

All interested parties are required to submit an application via Google form. Following submission, applicants will be interviewed by separate interview panels of both TN and GWUL before being considered for appointment. 

When will the bi-monthly meetings start?

The GWUL Advisory Boards meets the first Tuesday of the month on a bi-monthly basis from 12:00pm - 1:30pm EST. The first bi-monthly meeting will take place on May 6th

There will be an orientation session to onboard and acquaint newly appointed TN members with members of the Advisory Board in April or early May (date and time are TBD). 

What else should I know about the process of applying beforehand:

There are no special qualifications based on career, occupation, orientation, gender, education, seniority, or age (within rules of Art II., Sec. 1a) to be on the Advisory Board. It is encouraged, but not mandatory, that candidates be acquainted with a basic understanding of professional board governance and parliamentary procedure.

Any final words or tips:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to talk to or email the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, or Parliamentarian of Thursday Network:

Informational session recap

March 12, 2025

Zoom Recording

Click here to watch the Zoom recording from the 3/12/25 Informational Session.


Click here to view the slide deck from the 3/12/25 Informational Session.

Meeting Summary

Click here to read the meeting summary from the 3/12/25 Informational Session.


Click here to read the FAQ from the 3/12/25 Informational Session.

Application timeline

  • March 12th: Informational Session [virtual]; Application goes live
  • March 22nd: Last New Member Orientation before application window closes
  • March 27th: Last call to apply at March GBM
  • March 30th: Application window closes at 11:59pm EST
  • April 4: TN interviews will be scheduled
  • April 6th - 10th: Interview period begins [virtual]
  • April TBD: GWUL Governance Committee interviews [virtual]
  • April 24th: Announcement of TN members selected to serve at April GBM
  • Late April/Early May: Advisory Board Orientation 
  • May 6th: First Advisory Board Meeting

supplemental Link

Thursday Network

Greater Washington Urban League Building

2901 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
General Body Meetings occur on the 4th Thursdays of the month at 6:30p.

About Us

Founded in 1992, Thursday Network is comprised of over 200 young professionals committed to serving the Washington Metropolitan area through community programs and partnership that address the Empowerment Goals of the National Urban League. The mission of TN is to provide a forum for young adults, ages 21 – 40, to focus their energies on community service, professional development, and political involvement.


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