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Closing the Wealth Gap: A Discussion on Establishing Black Equity

  • 11/14/2018
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • GWUL 2901 14th St NW DC


  • We are looking for 2-4 volunteers to assist with registration check in as well as with collecting questions from the audience for the panel.

Registration is closed

National Day of Empowerment (NDOE) is an annual signature event for NULYP chapters. This year, the theme is Building Black Wealth: Securing Generational Prosperity where we seek to create intentional space and opportunity to empower and support aspiring and thriving Black and other minority entrepreneurs and businesses. We plan to do this, in part, by hosting an entrepreneurship expo where Black and minority owned vendors can demo, display, and promote their products and services. The goal is to promote economic empowerment and provide a forum for entrepreneurs to engage with each other and the community. We want this event to increase the visibility of burgeoning and well-established businesses lead by people of color and ultimately, increase their patronage.

Our second focus for NDOE will lend our efforts to improving financial education and economic security to empower young professionals and the community at large. We will conduct a Building Black Wealth panel discussion that will be dedicated to the topics of financial literacy and entrepreneurship. The panelist will consist of members of the Guild who have experiences owning their businesses, expertise in wealth management, and financial planning. The goal of this robust discussion will be to engage members of our community in a manners that provides them with insight on how to become more financially literate and empowerment if they choose to navigate the journey of entrepreneurship.

Thursday Network

Greater Washington Urban League Building

2901 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
General Body Meetings occur on the 4th Thursdays of the month at 6:30p.

About Us

Founded in 1992, Thursday Network is comprised of over 200 young professionals committed to serving the Washington Metropolitan area through community programs and partnership that address the Empowerment Goals of the National Urban League. The mission of TN is to provide a forum for young adults, ages 21 – 40, to focus their energies on community service, professional development, and political involvement.


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