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TN Fit Challenge

  • 04/01/2020
  • 04/15/2020


The TN Fit Challenge is a virtual fitness challenge designed to encourage all TN members to stay active and get moving while being socially responsible by social distancing. All TN members are encouraged to join the challenge by registering for this event by 11:59pm on Monday, March 30th. The step challenge will officially begin April 1st and run until April 15th. The top three winners will be announced on April 16th.

Challenge Directions and Details: 

  1. Register online: Following registration you will get an email with directions on how to join the TN team via Count.It 

  2. Download & Sync your fitness tracker: A list of approved fitness trackers will be provided in the registration email. 

  3. Join the “TN Fit Challenge” GroupMe: Stay encouraged throughout the challenge by connecting virtually with fellow participants. 

  4. GET MOVIN: Dance, run, walk, hike, skip, do whatever you can to get those steps in. Winners will be determined by their average so consistency is key! *Reminder:  Safety comes first! Please practice social distancing when getting steps outside of your home.

Thursday Network

Greater Washington Urban League Building

2901 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
General Body Meetings occur on the 4th Thursdays of the month at 6:30p.

About Us

Founded in 1992, Thursday Network is comprised of over 200 young professionals committed to serving the Washington Metropolitan area through community programs and partnership that address the Empowerment Goals of the National Urban League. The mission of TN is to provide a forum for young adults, ages 21 – 40, to focus their energies on community service, professional development, and political involvement.


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